How To Grow Bigger Buds: 6 Tips And Tricks To Consider
Like most things in this world, bigger does not always equate to better. However, if you’re looking for weight AND quality, this is understandable- the quest for bigger buds.
All of this starts with picking the strain that you want to grow. Then you’ll have a pretty good idea of its genetic expression and what it should taste like when smoked.
However, there will probably be times in your career (adventures) as a grower that you may come across seeds, or clones as unidentified or mislabeled, or mystery gifts.
You can only do as best you can do- so go easy on yourself. Instinct will soon kick in and you’ll soon love the process- and the never-ending quest for your BIGGER BESTEST BUDS!
The Best Type Of Fertilizer To Grow Bigger Marijuana Buds
*A note to the hydro-growers. Do your best to stick with one brand of nutrients, you may opt to use a separate ‘bloom’ or finisher, but when you stay with one brand of nutrient at a time, you can manage things much, much better.
A lot of people grow marijuana as a hobby or for medical purposes. When the time comes to harvest their plants, they want to make sure they make the best product they can. One way is to use a fertilizer that will encourage good growth and bigger buds. What type of fertilizer should they use?
Many cannabis growers are always looking for ways to get bigger and better buds, but they don’t always know the best type of fertilizer to use. When it comes to fertilizers there are various types of organic fertilizers that can be used, but most marijuana growers prefer using compost, manure, or eggshells. Compost is made of partially decomposed leaves or vegetation that is then mixed with water or added to soil.
The best type of fertilizer to grow bigger marijuana buds is high nitrogen fertilizer. This type of fertilizer has a lot of ammonium-nitrogen which plants can use. This fertilizer makes the plant’s cells larger, influencing the yield and quality of the bud. High nitrogen fertilizers are also known for making plants grow faster, so it would be beneficial to use this type if you are an indoor grower.
*Another tip for growing bigger buds involves regularly feeding compost tea to your soils. Compost tea helps develop healthy mycorrhizal relationships between the soil and mycelium. The more mycelium in the soil, the more nutrients the plant is going to take up, which will result in bigger buds. **Do not do this for a hydroponic system, as it will screw up the water and nutrient levels that you have so carefully set.
Why Are My Buds So Small?
Generally, this is from overcrowding and thus, over-shading your plants’ bud sites.
If you haven’t taken care of your plants well by trimming when and where appropriate, you may have a shaggy, scraggly, popcorn bud mess. That’s okay, just do a better job next time (make hash out of those and the leaves you’ve dried- or roll 50 joints and go to a party).
Remember that often you will have small, mangly bud-sites lower on the plants. Sometimes this is also caused by plants being confused by your light cycles (peeking when they’re supposed to be asleep) and other times it’s from having a poor trimming regiment- as mentioned above, or even a genetic expression that you couldn’t control anyway.
Don’t beat yourself up, just do better next time… Still, you should have a nice canopy of beautiful buds gracing your garden up top- in the full light.
Are Small Buds Less Potent?
Generally, no. If the small buds are from a good farm, the quality should still be there. Also, there is a less stem to bud ratio, so you might even be getting a better value- if you’re buying it.
What Are The Best Ways To Grow Bigger Marijuana Buds?
How to grow bigger buds…
To get a maximum yield, you need to grow the plant for a longer time. The longer the plant is in the vegetative stage, generally, the denser and larger your buds will be- though some would argue this. *Auto-flowers throw this out the window. **Always take your trichome color into account- shoot for amber!
You can also use certain methods to improve the quality of your marijuana buds. In nature, this would happen when a bud is growing close to another one. Believe me, the plants do commune with each other- if you don’t believe me, I’d reference you to this paper here.
“But odd as it sounds, plants can communicate with each other. Just like animals, plants produce all kinds of chemical signals in response to their environments, and they can share those signals with each other, especially when they’re under attack. These signals take two routes: through the air, and through the soil.” TED-ED
You can also use CO2 supplements to increase the level of oxygen in the air surrounding your plants. This will produce healthier plants with larger buds as well. I’ve done this before and found it quite rewarding especially for a small, enclosed, controlled area.
Soon I’ll write another article on that fun Co2 generator process…
Every marijuana grower wants to know how to grow larger buds. Whether you’re a new or experienced grower, there are some things that will help you achieve the size and weight of the pot that you want.
Remember, the size and weight of marijuana buds is often related to plant’s genetic expression and environmental factors such as light, humidity, quality of water, growing medium and nutrients- so keep notes of everything you do, and only make small changes.
Too many changes at once will confuse you and the plants- especially in a hydro-setup, where the plants are hyper-reactive.
How To Grow Bigger Marijuana Buds
There are many cannabis growing techniques that can be used to help produce bigger buds. Light, in the right spectrum for the phase the plant is in, is truly step-1 on how to grow bigger buds.
As mentioned above- you should first find out what strain of marijuana they are dealing with because different strains require varying amounts of light. Additionally, growers should make sure the plant is getting plenty of water and enough nutrients, in the correct balance to make it thrive.
Growing a bigger marijuana bud is a common goal for growers. Improving the size of the flowers can have a significant effect on yield, but not necessarily potency.
The best strategy for ensuring that your flowers grow to their full potential is to use plenty of light, with an 18-hour photoperiod, along with fertilizing regularly with a complete fertilizer from time to time.
Growing marijuana is an art which requires patience and attention to detail. Enjoy the process!
How To Grow The Most Potent Marijuana Buds
Many people who grow marijuana think that the best way to grow potent buds is by planting it in soil and giving it plenty of water and sunlight. This may be true for some, but many individuals believe that growing marijuana hydroponically is best – and it’s what I’ve enjoyed the most.
There are many ways to grow cannabis, but the most potent buds originate from fertilized female plants. Male plants are used for breeding purposes to produce seeds, but any male pollen that drifts over to fertilize the female plants will reduce potency and can create hermaphrodites.
To prevent this, growers create a ‘perpetual harvest’ by only planting one batch of seeds at a time and harvesting them as they’re ready. This will help ensure that your females stay unpollinated and produce the best weed possible.
In order to grow the most potent marijuana buds, one must find out what nutrients they need in order to be successful.
One of the most important aspects for this is water. The more water a plant has, the more likely it will grow its best. In order to know how much water a plant needs, one should look at how often it is watered and where they are being grown.
Some strains do need even more water than others- this is also why I prefer a Flood and Drain hydroponic system. This can so easily be controlled..
How To Grow Bigger Buds Outdoors
Growing marijuana plants outdoors is a rewarding experience. The most important step in the process is picking the right location.
Outdoor growers need to know what types of weather their plant will be exposed to, how much sun the location receives, and what type of soil is on the ground. Are you going to plant them in the ground, use pots, or grow bags?
Proper care must be taken when planting your marijuana, as it can require an immense amount of time and patience depending on how often you visit.
Growing marijuana plants outdoors is not easy work by any means, but it sure is enjoyable, if you don’t have anything to worry about..
One way to grow marijuana plants outdoors is to sow the seeds in a soil mixture that contains peat moss, compost or other organic matter, and perlite. Then decide on how you’re going to plant them
Germination may be improved by pre-soaking the seeds in warm water for 30 minutes prior to planting. Planting each seed in a separate container before transplanting will also prevent overcrowding- so will keeping them in separate pots, or grow bags. This will also help if you need to move them for any other reason.
Growing marijuana plants outdoors is a great option for those with extra space, but don’t forget to protect your plants with secrecy, and from the deer and birds. All could devastated a grow.
What Is The Best Indoor System To Grow The Biggest Marijuana Buds?
For me, in my experience, hands-down is the Flood and Drain also known as the Ebb and Flow Hydroponic system.
It’s simple and easy to make yourself, the components can be used over and over again and it’s easy to manage, control and most importantly, refine.
Very quickly, you’ll get better and better. All of that being said, I would consider adding fish instead of nutrients to the water… What???
Why not? The pump would then feed my plants fish poop water, completely balanced back into the fish, but the rockwool cubes might be a problem.
Okay, so if I did try aquaponics, let’s keep the system pure. I’d hate to kill some fish for no good reason and cause my plants to have deficiencies at the same time. Let’s not mix apples and bananas- just thinking out loud here…
Now you know how to grow bigger buds- get to growing! Best, *A.