
Why build a site about marijuana? An intro to cannabis-culture.online…

First off- this site is dedicated to both of my passed parents. I believe that both of them could have been helped (in one way or another) by using this plant. Unfortunately, they chose not to.

Hi. My name’s Andy. I’m 50. Born Alaska, raised in Hawaii and have lived around the world, both as a child and as an adult.

I first encountered marijuana in elementary school in Hawaii hanging out with the high-school kids. You know how it is…

Since then, I’ve bought (one way or another) in:

  • Santa Cruz, CA
  • Seattle, WA
  • San Francisco, CA
  • Amsterdam, NL
  • Prague, CZ
  • (hash) Valencia, Spain
  • Costa Rica
  • Austin, TX
  • San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • Medellin, Colombia
  • Lima, Peru
  • It’s a small world…

I’ve grown:

  • in my (hydro) closet in Prague, the Czech Republic (where I also made ice/plate hash)
  • in my closet in Portland, Oregon
  • in the ground at 6000′ on my property on the south-side of Mt. Shasta, California
  • and in a large scale basement in my home in Dunsmuir, California

I’m writing this to you, dear reader, from northern Peru, near the coast and about 5hrs from the border with Ecuador which will be the next country I live in.

After that, Brazil, Guadalajara, MX and then I’ll be settling in San Juan, Puerto Rico- or heading far east into Croatia, Georgia and other countries in that direction.

This site is a labor of love. Through these posts you’ll come to realize that.

In many ways this plant has helped me and it could have helped my parents, and perhaps even saved their lives- but that’s for a different post.

In closing; Why build a site on marijuana? Because I’m compelled to- it’s a labor of love. Even though I’m not smoking right now. *Yes, I could find it if I really tried, but other things have taken priority.

Please Note: I am not a doctor or lawyer, you are entirely responsible for your own choices, actions and life.

That said, I am well read, travelled and write for a living. The arts, music (DJ residencies in four countries) and the study of SEO are my passions.

Do not take anything written here as advice, when I have first-hand experience to share, I will. However, when I don’t, I’ll tell you I haven’t.

More soon- I’m just testing this super-sticky static post (now your home page) and getting used to publishing on the regular.

Thanks for stopping by.


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